Friday 6 December 2013

Long weekend

Hello grade 4 families. I hope you are able to enjoy the winter wonderland in some capacity this weekend. 

Students here is a reminder of your homework:
1) Émission de votre choix - soyez prête à discuter. (At least one episode of one show en radio-canada - prepared to discuss what you watched.)
2) Tumble books - Pépin le pengouin
3) Jouez dehors 

A glimpse into our classroom

Sunday 1 December 2013


Students, I hope you have been keeping track of your meals and your exercise this weekend! We will be discussing the importance of both on Monday. Parents, this is part of the health curriculum. They were asked to write down what they eat and what physical activities they do over the weekend! 
Enjoy the snow!!!

Friday 29 November 2013

Fort Whyte

We had a wonderful field trip at Fort Whyte yesterday. I was happy with the children's behaviour and very proud of how much they were able to share about habitats and animal adaptations! Enjoy these pictures!

I hope you all had as much fun as I did! 

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Field Trip

A correction to the permission slip sent out yesterday. Our field trip is Thursday November 28th. Sorry for the error.

Saturday 9 November 2013


Students: Here is the reminder of how to access your homework this weekend. 

1) Watch one episode of Robin le robot. 
radio-canada - Je regarde - Afficher tout - Robin le robot - p.5 - Frayeur à la foire.

Soyez prêtes à répondre aux questions mardi.

2) Listen/read Le gros monstre qui aimait trop lire. 
Tumble books - français - livres pour enfants - search Le gros monstre qui aimait trop lire.

Ajoutez un commentaire après que vous avez lu l'histoire. Inclus: 3 adjectifs et 3 mots que tu ne connais pas. (Écrivez votre nom à la fin du commentaire.) Essaiez d'expliquer l'histoire à vos parents. 

Parents: Once your child has read the book they are to post a comment which includes 3 adjectives and 3 words that they didn't understand in the story. I also encourage them to explain to you what the story was about. 

Have a great weekend everyone! 

Monday 4 November 2013

Adjectives and dance parties

It feels like November marks a new chapter in our school year. The leaves have all fallen, the temperature is getting colder, and we're moving to new topics in our studies. I wanted to share some pictures from our Halloween day which involved discussing and using adjectives appropriately to describe our cupcake creatures. After a tour around the school to view costumes, we released some high energy through dance! The room was full of tired children with smiling faces. One fantastic Thursday in my books!

We continue to develop our French language skills in class. I am pleased to hear that students have been using the links I've provided and that they've been studying their dictée at home. I encourage everyone to continue their English reading at home as we are focusing much of our literacy time on French reading for the next while. Strategies are of course transferable, and therefore students should be able to not only explain to you what has happened in their story but what connections they can make to their lives or other stories.

Dance party!

Wednesday 30 October 2013


4D and 3/4I will be celebrating Halloween this year with a school wide costume parade and spooky cupcake decorating (to practice our French adjectives).
We will have cupcakes for them to decorate and eat or take home provided they bring a container.

I would like to request that if you are interested in sending a snack with your child, for them or the entire class, please send healthy choices.

Reminder: We are celebrating Halloween after lunch, therefore please bring your costumes in your backpack. Please don't wear any scary masks or weapons as we will be sharing our costumes with the entire school population.

Thank you! I hope you have a great evening discussing government!

Sunday 20 October 2013


I hope that you've been able to enjoy the beautiful fall that we've had in Winnipeg. In class, we've taken advantage of the nice weather by getting outdoors to experience the realities of nature through a game of predator/prey. Ask your child to explain to you the difference between those who were predators and the students who acted as fire, disease, flood and human. We've also been discussing the differences in the geographical regions of our country and what makes each province and territory unique. 

I was happy to meet with many parents and students during conferences and I look forward to continued communication in order to best address the needs of your children. As discussed, I continue to update the French page of this blog and I encourage all students to refer to a song or website in French every evening. I have recently added the URL for radio-Canada. Please have a look, as it provides many French resources that your child can benefit from. 

Thursday 17 October 2013

Working hard, learning lots!

Throughout the last couple of weeks, the students have been discovering how learning happens in a variety of ways. They have been using their imaginations to produce interesting art pieces, have worked independently to determine the Joey's characteristics in our English novel, and have demonstrated teamwork as they develop their knowledge of our vast country.
Here are examples of our art projects and a brainstorming lesson.

We are looking forward to meeting with parents over the next two days to discuss our learning goals for the year. Ask your child to share, "C'est de l'eau" with you this weekend!

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Special Visit

Tomorrow morning Tim Hague, the winner of Amazing Race Canada, will be presenting to 4D and 3/4I on the incredible places he visited across our great nation! The students will be asking questions related to Canadian geography and they will be involved in a mini amazing race to test their knowledge of what they've learned about Canada thus far this year. We look forward to his visit!

Saturday 28 September 2013

La fenêtre

September has almost come to a close and 4D has been a busy place. We’ve got the beginning of the year jitters out and most of the paperwork is in so we’ve been getting down to business. Friday was the Terry Fox run and we did some research about his life before hitting the pavement with the school.

Other highlights of the last couple of weeks included our discussion about citizenship and what aspects of life should be rights and which should be privileges. The discussion was heated and it was fantastic for me to see how opinionated and responsive the students can be. I’m excited to see what topics we will get into throughout the year.

Another highlight was an estimation lesson, “Combien de courges?” Ask your child to explain what this entailed and test their estimation skills next time you have a bag of potatoes. I’ve never seen nine year olds get so excited about squash!

A feature of 4D is our window. Here’s ‘la fenêtre’ from September. The bulletin board is student directed and is meant to be a creative space to wonder what we might see outside if we had a real window to the outdoors!

I hope you are enjoying the blog so far. I encourage you to take a look at the other pages as I will be updating all of them throughout the year. 

Thursday 19 September 2013

Bienvenue à la quatrième année

Welcome parents, friends and fellow blog enthusiasts to "Porte à la quatrième" which means, a door to grade 4. Our blog name signifies the intention behind this space as an opportunity for those from outside our classroom walls to experience and understand the activities that we do as we learn and work together. Additionally, just as we don't have a physical door to separate us from the rest of the school, the learning we do in grade 4 is not isolated from the world around us.

I am looking forward to a great year with the students in 4D. We have spent the first two weeks getting to know each other. 4D is a dynamic class that loves to read and enthusiastically participates in drama games. As a teacher, this time has been incredibly valuable to get to know the students’ learning styles, which will in turn allow me to individualize my instruction appropriately.
Throughout the year this will be the space for you to discover what we are doing in the classroom. There will also be suggestions for how parents can assist their children with continued learning at home.